Top AI & ML Solutions Development Agency in US

AI and Machine Learning will keep improving to reach it’s best potential over next one decade and aims to eliminate tedious routine business tasks. We ate Yugasa work on different models to develop AI enabled apps and IT solutions.

We are just a click away

Predication Model

Outsource your AI-related needs to get the most out of advanced technology. Optimize resources, increase production, improve sales and earn high CSAT.

Machine Learning

We build solutions that can analyze patterns and associations from vast amounts of unstructured data with machine learning technology.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics helps your business by providing the best assessment of what will happen in the future.

Predication Model

Predicting future is not magic anymore. It’s a skill and we possess it. Prediction is an important feature of Artificial Intelligence based on regression modelling in Machine Learning. It is a supervised technique and needs training data to train the model. Bring in the data, and see your software becoming a predicting oracle. Yes, down below its Maths, and we at Yugasa prove that Math is rightly called the science of patterns.

AI is a versatile field
Potential impact on society
Better user experience

Classification Model

No need to get fascinated by the face recognition unlocking of your phone. Believe us, it’s doable and it’s easy. Classification models are doing wonders in the domain of Machine Learning. We are becoming part of those wonders and we want you to hop on the ride with us. Discuss your AI needs with our experts and who knows, your idea takes a leap of machine learning and gets you miles ahead of your competition. The capabilities of unsupervised learning are underestimated, and we are on a mission to change that. It is capable of handling data which is not very structured and well classified. In fact, this is the most common form in which data is available today. Unsupervised learning is a self-organized learning used to draw inferences from datasets consisting of input data without labelled responses. Some of our team members fondly call it a path from ‘clutter to cluster’. They believe that unsupervised learning algorithms can perform more complex processing tasks than supervised learning systems. And we believe in our team.

Unsupervised Learning

The capabilities of unsupervised learning are underestimated, and we are on a mission to change that. It is capable of handling data which is not very structured and well classified. In fact, this is the most common form in which data is available today. Unsupervised learning is a self-organized learning used to draw inferences from datasets consisting of input data without labelled responses. Some of our team members fondly call it a path from ‘clutter to cluster’. They believe that unsupervised learning algorithms can perform more complex processing tasks than supervised learning systems. And we believe in our team.

Artificial Intelligence will automate every business

Continuous development in AI technology will certainly lead to more streamlined and better results. The sooner a business switches to AI the better it is for him because the business benefits of AI & ML are numerous.


AI and Robotics are redrawing the healthcare landscape. The analytics of medical domain’s vast and complex datasets has already starting saving lives.


eCommerce has taken the business prospect to the next level with the help of AI technology. Support for both new and existing customers is getting AI powered.


Precision agriculture uses AI technology to aid in detecting diseases in plants, pests, and poor plant nutrition on farms. Fruit health and life is now predicted by AI.


From candidate rediscovery to facial expression analysis, AI is impacting and playing its role well in recruitment domain.

And many more…

AI is domain agnostic. It just demands data to churn and bring out unforeseen insights. AI is a fast learner of different business domains.