Instagram to offers new sensitivity filter to users for censoring their Content

Instagram Sensitivity Filter: Instagram has recently introduced the sensitivity filter for users which enables them to set limits of the potentially sensitive content that is been shown on their explore page.

Social media giant Instagram has now shown some concern for the users on the platform with the help of a new sensitive content filter which is going to working as a feature to block their posts to be visible to non-interested users.

Before bringing out this feature the app earlier use to allow the account holders have been warning their targeted audience or followers by setting up a limitation on their reach by the time of posting any content on their feed and stories and then the interested followers will be disabling the filter to have an insight to the post.

This feature is supposed to filter out the content related to self-harm and it is enabled by default. Instagram also stated that the creators shouldn’t worry because the app has already limited the amount of sensitive content on the Explore page for the people and the default setting retains the filtering option Instagram Sensitivity Filter.

After the introduction of the option, the users can further limit the sensitive content or allow more of it to be present on the surface.

The spokesperson stated that verge of some users is going to see a bum in their discoverability because of these changes in the policy but if people don’t allow sensitive content on their explore page.

This change will do not affect what is user going to see in their feeds and stories and where the application will going to continue showing them the posts of the person they follow. Instagram has clearly stated that the Sensitive content feature in its Recommendation Guidelines only includes the content on the Explore and IGTV Discover and it is much more than its Community Guidelines.

Now the content which is considered as sensitive is allowed on the application as far as it is not violating Community Guidelines but Instagram makes the surface less frequently especially for the users who set the sensitivity at the lowest.

Instagram Sensitivity Filter, Instagram Sensitivity FilterThe sensitive feature content of 3 available settings that is sexually explicit, nudity, and tobacco-related content or content related to drugs are considered as sensitive as they are violating Community Guidelines.


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